
Friday, May 11, 2018


I am typing this post with such joy as the exhibition that I've been wanting to go for so long is now here, in my hometown Jakarta, and yes it's the "Life is The Heart of a Rainbow" by Yayoi Kusama, rumors spread that there would not be anymore of this serie after the last one in Singapore, but clearly it's not true as starting tomorrow until September 9th 2018 everyone's invited to experience "Life is The Heart of a Rainbow" at Museum MACAN Jakarta!!!

Previous entry about Museum MACAN -> click HERE

Yayoi Kusama (born March 22nd 1929) is one of the world's most recognized living artists. Her paintings, sculptures, videos and Infinity Mirrored Rooms have transcended into global popular culture. This exhibiton traces the artist's development over seven decades, beginning in Japan in the early 1950s, moing to New York in the 60s and returning to Japan in 1973 where Kusuma now resides and works.

Ticket price: IDR 100k/person

Basic Exhibition Rules
1. NO camera, got asked this a lot, but unfortunately, no cameras (DSLR, SLR, Mirroless, Polaroid) allowed including supporting camera accessories like tripod, external flash, monopods, selfie sticks, only phone cameras allowed and flash is not allowed when taking pictures, and DO silent your phone.
2. NO outside food and beverages
3. All bags have to be secured in the storage counter
4. NO artwork touching
5. Stay quiet, stay calm

Tour Schedules
Weekday Tour
Tuesday - Thurday // 10 AM-2 PM
Friday // 3 PM

Curational Tour
Thursday, May 17th 2018 // 2 PM
Saturday, May 26th 2018 // 11 AM
Thursday, June 7th 2018 // 2 PM
Saturday, June 23rd 2018 // 11 AM

Children's Tour
Sunday // 2 PM

Most of the pictures that are in this blog post were taken using mobile phone, but seriously since they have carefully designed the art, installation including lighting and such, mobile phone is probably the only thing that you'll need here.

Upon the entrance gate, you'll see Yayoi's famous Great Gigantic Pumpkin and the Dots Obsessions (introduced 2009 - pictures below) should be the first art zone that you see after proceeding through the entrance.
The Dots Obsessions (2009)
Visitors are given 20-40 seconds inside (depending on the crowd that time) to experience the art.
Narcissus Garden (1966/2002)
Stainless steel balls (2000 balls approx), with diameter of 17cm each.
Revelation from Heaven
Flame of Life (1988)
Infinity Nets
Pollen (1986)
Sewn stuffed fabric, synthetic fiber, paint - 170 x 88 x 88 cm
My Eternal Soul artworks
Paint arts, the monumental series began in 2009 and continues to this day. There are over 500 individual paintings, one of the paintings, Life is The Heart of a Rainbow (second from the top left) is also the title of the exhibition.

The Spirits of The Pumpkins Descended Into The Heavens
one of the most exciting art installations here at the exhibition, it's like entering the world of dots, don't miss the peep show where you can see the small dotted pumpkins in the infinity mirror setting. Legit!
What you'll see from the peep show

I Want to Love on The Festival Night
Mirrored box and light bulbs, 220 x 214,3 x 185 cm, you might need to record a video on this one, all about the sparks baby!
The Obliteration Room
This might be one of my favorite room as this one is super interactive and something about freedom! The Obliteration Room is located at the upper level of where the main exhibition is, all covered and painted with white, each visitor will be given this sticker paper with dots in various sizes, and everyone's more than welcome to place the dots where they want, I even put some on my face LOL! It's just the second day but there were a lot of stickers already! Can't imagine how packed the room will be towards the end of this exhition in September, prolly no white spot left (maybe just the ceiling)

...ending this post with Infinity Mirrored Rooms: Brilliance of the Souls

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